Know Before You Go
As we have begun a phased reopening of Bricktown, we are eager to welcome back our guests with the safety and well-being of all at the forefront of all our planning efforts.
As we navigate through this unprecedented time as responsibly as we can, we have implemented a number of new safety measures based on guidance from health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and appropriate government agencies. We are all committed to a responsible reopening.
The measures we have implemented include:
Reduced entrances
Temperature screenings prior to entry for all management and employees
Physical distancing practices including physically-distanced queues and physical barriers
Temporary operation modifications, including reduced hours at select locations
An increased focus on disinfection and sanitation, including the addition of hand-washing stations and hand sanitizers in key areas
Disposable silverware and glassware
What is your policy and safety measures for COVID-19?
Serving you is always and will be our top priority, no matter the circumstances. That’s why we’ve ramped up our sanitation practices and taken extra precautions to help all guests and staff members stay safe.
COVID-19 Warning
In Bricktown we have taken enhanced health and safety measures for you, our other guests, and our Team Members. You must follow all posted instructions while visiting.
An inherent risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. Please visit the CDC website (www.cdc.gov) for the latest guidelines and information.
By visiting you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.
Limited Contact
Following guidance from the government and the medical community regarding enhanced screening procedures and prevention measures, we have made some temporary adjustments that include limited-contact Guest ordering to ensure a responsible and enjoyable environment for everyone.
Physical Barriers: Physical barriers have been added in select places where it is difficult to maintain strict physical distancing guidelines. These may be visible in areas around cash registers, for example, to help ensure proper distances between people.
Cashless Transactions: At this time, it is recommended all guests use cashless or contactless payment options, such as credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets.
Face Coverings: In accordance with Oklahoma City mandates – All guests ages 10 and older are required to wear face coverings when visiting Bricktown Entertainment District. Spaces include, but are not limited to, grocery and retail stores, special events and public transit. While not required, guests are encouraged to wear face coverings or masks outdoors in any situation where they are unable to maintain six feet of social distance from other. All face coverings should:
Fully cover an individual’s nose and mouth and allow the Guest to remain hands-free
Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
Be secured with ties or ear loops
Be made of breathable material, either disposable or reusable
Costume masks are not considered appropriate and are prohibited from being worn. Guests are encouraged to wear face coverings at all times, except while dining. The use of face coverings should not be seen as a substitute for physical distancing. Guests must provide their own disposable or reusable face covering.
Exceptions to this requirement are:
Minors, though Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance recommends that all individuals over the age of two wear masks.
People who have disabilities that:
Prevent them from comfortably wearing or taking off face coverings.
Prevent them from communicating while wearing face coverings.
People who have respiratory conditions or breathing trouble.
People who have been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings.
People who are seated in a restaurant, tavern, or bar and are engaged in consuming food or drink while adequately distanced from other tables.
Physical Distancing and Capacity Measures
Managing the number of guests visiting Bricktown has been a major consideration as we implement physical distancing guidelines based on recommendations from health authorities and government officials. One of the ways to do that is to limit the number of guests and employees at any given time for each location. Additional measures include:
Signage: Directional signage has been installed to assist guests to responsibly move throughout the property. Additionally, ground markings will help promote proper physical distancing when queuing is needed at a location.
Training: We are also training all management and employees to engage with guests and promote physical distancing guidelines in common areas and queues.
Cleanliness and Sterilization
We’ve increased cleaning and disinfection in high-traffic areas such as public elevators, handrails, benches, tables, handles, restrooms and more.
Additionally, we will will open with hand sanitizer locations, and guests are highly encouraged to use these while visiting.
Management and Employee Training
We’re further emphasizing our strong culture of health and safety among management and employees, and will continue to provide new training and reinforcement as we navigate through the reopening phases.
About the Measures
As part of these efforts, guests may see other changes to our dining offerings, as well as other experiences. Though it may be different from the last time you visited, these new measures are designed to offer a great experience in a responsible way.
We understand that these times are challenging, and we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we navigate as responsibly as we can. Together, we can find new ways to have fun while being diligent to maintain proper physical distancing.